2023秋季杂志 在韦斯特蒙特保持我们的势头


现在是我们的第17个年头, 我的妻子, 帕姆, and I are incredibly grateful for the many ways God has been faithful to Westmont, especially for the success we’ve achieved during the fall semester. 我们的新班级非常棒, demonstrating palpable energy and interest in all things Westmont. We’ve been blessed to welcome them to our 首页 and enjoy the vibe that society is wide open again. Seeing all that is getting done through the work of the college encourages us.

We continue to make significant headway on important strategic fronts, including the latest news that our nursing program has received full accreditation! Accomplishing this in record-setting time reflects well on all those who were key players in launching the program and getting it fully accredited, 包括副教务长艾琳·麦奎德, 护士长卡罗尔·维拉斯和迪·霍夫曼, 护理顾问史蒂夫·费罗斯, 我们的战略规划顾问蒂姆·法伦, 副校长艾琳·内勒(招生), 营销与传播) and 里德Sheard (CIO and college advancement), 整个护理工作小组委员会(卡罗尔·维拉斯), 财务副总裁道格·琼斯, 蒂姆·法伦, 艾琳nel, 捐赠者关系主管内森·斯奈德说, 校园规划主任兰迪·琼斯说, 史蒂文研究员, 艾琳McQuade, 里德Sheard, 行政助理艾迪·史密斯, Rick Ifland教授, 辛西娅·汤姆和克里斯蒂·拉扎尔·坎特雷尔), 村舍医院的关键人员包括首席执行官罗恩·沃特, 还有更多.

我们继续从其他新项目中受益, 包括数据分析, engineering and a post-baccalaureate Certificate in Theological 领导. 我们正在许多领域扩大努力, 包括我们的体育项目, the ongoing partnership between academics and the 学生生活 Office, 招生, 营销与传播, 财务状况, 资源获取, 对内对外关系, 和技术. 同时,我们也感受到了一些真正的挑战.

Let me highlight just a few areas to provide a more in-depth perspective.

最佳大学.S. 新闻排行榜
我们排名第一. 美国107个.S. 新闻 & 《ag娱乐官网》和《世界经济报告. 1 Christian liberal arts college in California and the western U.S.  
  We finished the 2023 fiscal year in the black and have a balanced budget for 2024.  
  Our successful 招生 efforts resulted in a total of 380 new students: 320 first-years and 60 transfers (see page 5).  
  The ongoing development of new programs will keep 招生 on campus at its optimum and maximum level of 1,200.  
  2023财政年度的筹款总额为26,734,966美元. Gifts through the first five months of the current fiscal year already exceed $22 million, 包括两份七位数的礼物(500万美元和200万美元), for the renovation of Westmont Downtown | Keith Center at 29 W. 阿纳帕姆街(见第46页).
  学者 and student life continue their effective partnership in key initiatives, including the ongoing work of our Center for Student Success and engaging a variety of cutting-edge topics with Conversations that Matter.  
We continue to address key social issues in all sectors of the college through Mosaix’s work and training.  
  We’re making excellent progress on providing the appropriate level of personnel and resources for the college while being attentive to the changing needs of a diverse workforce.  
  We’ve begun renovations to the Martin Institute (909 La Paz Road), 网球中心, 水上运动中心, 棒球场, 高尔夫练习场, 公共餐厅, Westmont Downtown | Keith Center. 所有这些项目都将提高我们的学术水平, student life and athletic efforts and help us develop new programs, 机会与经历.
让它成为你的NCAA DII标志
随着我们进入NCAA二级联赛, we face tougher competition that will require perseverance and patience. It will take four years to integrate fully into our new conference and level of competition (see page 32).  
  Our marketing and communication strategies and assets continue to bring great acclaim while communicating our mission and vision in compelling ways.  
  Our strategic planning continues to guide our overall engagement with the college’s work. 今年秋天, 蒂姆·法伦 guides us through the development of a new strategic map in conversation with our 10 desired outcomes.  
We continue to broaden and upgrade our technology infrastructure with our significant move to the Salesforce platform.  
  在个人方面, 我的新书, “The Crucibles that Shape Us: Navigating the Defining Challenges of 领导” (IV Press), 会在五月初上映吗.
The Crucibles That Shape Us: Navigating the Defining Challenges of 领导
  We’re one chapter away from completing the full draft of “领导 and the Liberal Arts: An Education to Last a Lifetime,” with members of the Westmont faculty and administration writing all the book’s chapters.  
  最后, the 教堂 Window project has given 帕姆 and me a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with the Voskuyl family, 包括罗杰·沃斯库尔幸存的三个孩子. It has been incredibly meaningful to host the family on campus and to see their joy in being back at Westmont (see page 27).  
  We’re gradually returning to pre- pandemic levels of activities in all sectors of the college. A few of the highlights include the Christmas Festival at the Granada (December 2-3); the President’s Breakfast on March 1, 2024, Richard Haass, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations; 父母 Weekend, including Spring Sing at the Santa Barbara Bowl on April 6; and Lead Where You Stand, 大卫·布鲁克斯, 6月6 - 8, 2024.  

我相信我们的愿景总是要超越不便, and we need to sustain the level of active engagement necessary to generate real-time results to achieve enduring success. As I reflect on the tendency to overestimate what we can get done in one year — and underestimate what we can accomplish in 10 years — I’m reminded of the godly ambition we carry for the college. We encourage every member of our community to be aspirational and embrace a desire to pursue the next horizon. 在我第17年的总统生涯中, I remain optimistic and hopeful about all the good that lies ahead and thankful for the presence of God and the broad support from so many people in our college community. May our vision for what God wants us to accomplish always exceed the inconvenience of our daily work.






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