Intercultural and Global Engagement Leadership

韦斯特蒙对多样性的承诺是由受托人组成的ag娱乐官网许多成员的责任, executive leadership, faculty, staff, students and external organizations and resourceful groups. 

Follow Christ with Fierce Urgency

In February 2020, I heard Dr. Bernice King, the daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.他谈到了跟随基督对抗系统性种族主义的紧迫性. Teaching from Luke 9:23, she said we need to see that Jesus set aside His privilege, 他为人类的罪承担了责任——他自己并没有犯过罪——并通过他的爱和能力完成了正义. 

This good and timely word speaks to us at Westmont. 耶稣呼召我们背起十字架,为世界和教会的状况负起责任, 即使这些都是我们没有亲自犯下的罪行或我们自己没有创造的不公正制度的结果. We must do as Jesus taught, beginning with denying ourselves, putting personal and self-interests aside, engaging in dialogue, combating systemic racism and working to bring reconciliation. At Westmont, we’ll pursue equity, inclusion and diversity with our strategic efforts, plans and programs and with on-going tenacity. 我们还将通过倾听来寻求关系的和解, 与每一个声音同在,尊重每一个人的尊严,作为上帝形象的承载者. 
We’re committed to this important Kingdom work on our campus, in the church and in the world around us - near and far. We’ll follow Christ and as He calls and enables us, we will do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.

Edee Schulze, Vice President for Student Life

Becoming a Reconciling Community Leadership (BaRC) Team:

This BaRC Leadership Team composed of faculty, staff, and administrators works closely with David Bailey and his Arrabon 团队发展的愿景和领导能力,成为一个更和解的ag娱乐官网

BaRC members include:

The Work of Arrabon 

Arrabon使基督教领袖和他们的ag娱乐官网能够有效地参与和解. Westmont与Arrabon的协议为期两年(2020-2022年),包括协调和领导焦点小组等活动, workshops, planning, and programming across the Westmont community for its faculty, staff, and students.

Arrabon will facilitate the convergence of shared knowledge, language, 以及整个韦斯特蒙特学院ag娱乐官网的公民对话,以获得共同的愿景,并走上成为一个和解ag娱乐官网的转型之旅. 

The Arrabon Process

Ethics is the preferred apologetics for Gen Z. 在前几代,传福音是ag娱乐官网回答认识论的问题,“我们怎么知道??在这一代人中,年轻人在问,“我们该如何应对这个世界的破碎??“当一个基督徒团体在成为一个和解团体的转变之旅中, 我们成为了这一代人所渴望的上帝国度的“先兆”.

David Bailey, Executive Director

hands shaking icon maroon

Diversity and Global Engagement Trustee Committee:

A committee representing members of Westmont's Board of Trustees, chaired by Edee Schultze, Vice President for Student Life, and Provost Mark Sargent, 阐述和讨论威蒙特的战略规划工作,以支持威蒙特战略计划中确定的以多样性和全球参与机会为中心的举措. 这个小组致力于帮助韦斯特蒙特大学的学生解决长期存在的问题, embedded issues in culture and society. This group meets three times a year.

Global Education

Student Life

Campus Diversity Committee:

多元化委员会的目的是解决并关注具体的多元化举措,以推进威斯蒙特对多元化的承诺的使命和愿景. The responsibilities of this committee include:

  1. 与韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网的其他人建立联系,他们正在努力解决与多样性相关的问题,包括受托人多样性委员会, Executive Team, Human Resources, Residence Life, Intercultural Programs, Diversity Recruitment Specialists, and Off Campus Programs. 
  2. 寻求建立全ag娱乐官网对与多样性有关的问题以及解决这些问题的适当方法的认识和所有权.
  3. 总结学院目前面临的与多样性相关的各种挑战和机遇.
  4. To enlist additional faculty, 行政人员和工作人员就特别倡议与委员会合作.
  5. 向总裁执行团队推荐优先事项并提出实施计划.
  6. To make annual reports on the Committee’s work to the Faculty, the Executive Team and the Trustee Diversity Committee.

Hispanic Serving Institution Initiative 

韦斯特蒙特学院正在努力成为一所西班牙裔服务机构. Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) are defined as colleges, universities, 或西班牙裔入学人数至少占总入学人数25%的系统/地区. 每年,我们都看到来自不同背景的学生数量在韦斯特蒙增加,我们为这种稳定的增长感到鼓舞. 截至2020年秋季,西语裔学生目前在威斯蒙特入学的比例为21%.4%. 达到25%并被归类为HSI将使Westmont有资格获得助学金和奖学金,这将为我们的西班牙裔和拉丁裔学生提供更多机会,并为他们的整体成功提供有用的资源.