Intercultural 和 Global Engagement 大学计划

Westmont’s strategic plans place high priority on intercultural 和 global engagement, so our college initiatives each year amplify our focus on diversity, 全球推广, 和 intercultural competency. We commit to improving how we, 作为一个完整的ag娱乐官网, help each other engage in learning together, listening to one another, ag娱乐官网生活, appreciating differences, 和 pursuing reconciliation. Collectively, we seek to promote justice 和 hope. 神呼召并授权我们成为正义的工具,积极反对各种形式的种族主义. 作为一个大学ag娱乐官网, we commit to pursuing new 和 ongoing conversations exploring, acknowledging 和 accepting our diversity. 我们需要更多地邀请自己进入彼此的故事,并对他人的邀请做出回应. 我们努力拥抱彼此的上帝赋予的尊严和价值,因为我们生活在团结中,庆祝我们的多样性. 最重要的是, Westmont upholds 和 strengthens its commitment to being a community that seeks justice, 爱仁慈, 和 walks humbly with God.

Westmont Names the Inaugural Director of the Houston Center 和 First Chief Diversity Officer

Westmont Names the Inaugural Director of the Houston Center 和 First Chief Diversity Officer

韦斯特蒙命名为 Dr. 卡梅尔萨德, a psychology professor at the college since 2012, as the inaugural director of the Carol Houston Center for Justice, Reconciliation 和 Diversity 和 Westmont’s first chief diversity officer. 

“Carmel will play a vital role at Westmont,” says President Gayle D. 毕比. “In our current social 和 economic climate, 我们认为越来越需要进行更广泛的对话和倡议,以加深认识和理解. 健康的机构正在学习如何接纳其成员的多样性,这是我们作为基督徒和公民的核心竞争力的一部分. 研究 demonstrates that including diverse viewpoints leads to richer discussions, more innovative products, 更多创意, better decisions 和 stronger, healthier organizations."



Mosaix Cultural Intelligence

在2021年秋天,校长盖尔·毕比宣布在大学范围内与 摩赛全球网络. 莫赛全球网络提供文化智力训练(CQ),使用由联合国教科文组织设计的评估 Cultural Intelligence Center. It has proven to be effective over many years 和 has been taken by 150,000+ participants from over 100 countries. 这是仅有的以研究为基础的文化智力评估之一,并得到了许多同行评议的期刊文章的支持. 摩西全球网络利用这种评估作为一种手段,为ag娱乐官网团体提供基于神学的文化智力培训.

Dr. 哈利李, Senior Consultant at Mosaix, 和 Dr. 乔治·扬西, Professor of Sociology at Baylor University serve as trainers for Westmont. 乔治的书 Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility (2006)Beyond Racial Division: A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness 和 Antiracism (2022) clearly outline his faith-based approach to a more just 和 reconciling community. His insights are grounded in Scripture 和 well conceived. 通过Mosaix提供的ag娱乐官网文化智力的教学和材料为进行有关种族和多样性的具有挑战性的对话奠定了基础. 它们提供了工具,使我们具备跨越差异进行良好沟通的技能和方法. 作为一所大学,我们正在利用Mosaix工具的好处,同时参与其他ag娱乐官网种族和多样性的对话. We need both to make progress on our strategic objective.

执行团队, 工作人员, 学生领袖和教师将被邀请参加培训,这是个人教育, 丰富我们的团队, 并且有助于我们推动学院的发展,建立一个强有力的环境,让困难的对话能够发生. 博士联系. 盖尔毕比(总统)或博士. Schulze Edee, vice president for student life, for more information.



Arrabon equips Christian leaders 和 their communities to effectively engage in reconciliation. Westmont与Arrabon签订的为期两年的协议(2020-2022年)包括协调和领导焦点小组等活动, 研讨会, 规划, 和 programming across the Westmont community for its faculty, 工作人员, 和学生.

Arrabon facilitated the convergence of shared knowledge, 语言, 以及整个韦斯特蒙特学院ag娱乐官网的公民对话,以获得共同的愿景,并走上成为一个和解ag娱乐官网的转型之旅.



Ethics is the preferred apologetics for Gen Z. 在前几代,传福音是ag娱乐官网回答认识论的问题,“我们怎么知道??” In this generation, young people are asking, “What do we do about what’s broken in this world?“当一个基督徒团体在成为一个和解团体的转变之旅中, we become a ‘foretaste’ of the Kingdom of God that this generation is longing for.

David Bailey, Executive Director


Learn more about Arrabon 

The Voskuyl 教堂 Window



2019年秋天,毕比校长决定暂时取消这扇窗户,并启动了一个程序,让教职员工, 教职员工和学生可以协助确定将放置在教堂前面的图像. 原来的窗户将被重新安装在教堂的前厅,并配有一块牌匾,解释窗户的历史和纪念意义, which is to honor the life of Nancy Voskuyl, daughter of then-president Voskuyl, who died at the end of her first semester at Westmont in a tragic car accident.


Breaking the Bias Habit

Dr. 卡梅尔萨德, Associate Professor of Psychology, earned her doctorate in social 和 personality psychology at the University of California, 戴维斯, in 2012. She specializes in the experience of biculturalism, examining the relationship between bicultural identity integration 和 cultural frame switching. 另外, she examines cultural influences on emotion, 创造力, 自我概念, 心理健康. 她最近的工作重点是减轻内隐偏见对现实世界结果影响的策略. She has adopted an evidence-based framework to help those in law enforcement, 教育的设置, 医疗保健, 营利性和非营利性组织开始意识到内隐偏见对他们工作的影响. She has consulted with various organizations, including the Santa Barbara Police Department, Santa Barbara County Probation Office, Santa Barbara Unified School District, Santa Barbara City College, 家庭服务处, 小屋医院, 各种学术机构和ag娱乐官网组织帮助提高人们对隐性偏见的认识,并与它对决策和行为的影响作斗争.


Hispanic Serving Institution Initiative 

Westmont College is working towards becoming a Hispanic Serving Institution. Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) are defined as colleges, 大学, 或西班牙裔入学人数至少占总入学人数25%的系统/地区. 
每年,我们都看到来自不同背景的学生数量在韦斯特蒙增加,我们为这种稳定的增长感到鼓舞. As of fall 2020, the percentage of Hispanic students currently enrolled at Westmont is at 21.4%. 达到25%并被归类为HSI将使Westmont有资格获得助学金和奖学金,这将为我们的西班牙裔和拉丁裔学生提供更多机会,并为他们的整体成功提供有用的资源.